Course Description

Welcome to my private, online community of Faster Fluency students and teachers. This is where I can help you customize your Faster Fluency program, answer your questions, and share helpful resources with you. You will also have access to our new and growing community members who are also excited about becoming fluent faster in their chosen language.

And because sometimes you may just need a motivational push, or there’s a specific question you absolutely need answered, or you tried something new that’s giving you great results- this is your place to share your success with people who understand what you’re trying to do and we get it. We’ve been there, we will be happy for you and understand when things are not going as planned.

This is a community where we cheer each other on. We can share our experiences in an unprecedented way, because I get to see your face and we all get to know each other on a more personal level, which isn’t possible anywhere else.

We’re going to work as a team, learn as a team, and we’re going to win as a team. No matter what age or stage you’re at in your language learning journey, you’re going to have the help and support of not just myself, but every other member of this growing community.

And speaking of community, in order to have one, there needs to be a common mission and value set shared by the members. So when I sat down and really thought about the common thread and the common goal that every single one of us shares, it was this:

A desire to live life more fully, by appreciating foreign languages and cultures as evidenced by our quest to master new languages. It doesn’t matter which language, or languages, you’re working on. If you really get down to the core of why we’re all here pursuing our world language ambitions, it’s that we desire the valuable opportunities that come to us in several different forms:

  • such as building a bigger network,
  • indulging in our diverse tastes in people, cultures, and landscapes,
  • connecting more deeply with our ancestral roots,
  • growing as a more valuable player in projects that are important to us,
  • and reaching out to experience more of what the world offers.

So that will be our purpose in our private Faster Fluency Facebook group.

This might be the most entertaining part of the Faster Fluency project: While polished, high-production quality content is great, I believe that people would rather have a more informal, yet interactive environment, where the value doesn’t just come from content but from a shared experience of our adventures in foreign language learning. So I’m going to take you on my adventures. And we’re going to do this, by sharing photos in our Facebook group. We all would love to see the places where you find native speakers to practice with, and also places that you travel to where your target language is spoken. Our photos are also helpful resources and learning tools for others, and can function as a conversation stimulus.

You can also feel free to use your foreign language skills to post your comments. It’s fun to see other languages, and we can give each other feedback and really create an amazing online learning environment.

The first images and comments are waiting for you in this Facebook group now.

Once you have purchased your Time To Learn German Academy membership, please read the course documents posted in the curriculum area below. Those are your instructions for how to access our secret group!

See you soon,


Course curriculum

State Certified German Teacher For 30 Years

Dr. Bogard

The owner and creator of the Time To Learn German website is Eva Bogard, Ph.D. She was born in Manhattan (NYC) to a German mother and a German-American father. She earned her bachelor's degree in foreign languages at snowy SUNY-Oswego and completed her graduate studies in Second Language Education and Instructional Technology at sunny USF-Tampa, where she earned her Master's and Doctorate degrees. She has spent several colorful summers in France enjoying the language and culture in Paris, St. Malo and Tours, but is usually found during her long summer breaks on the beach in Florida, or in the mountains of southwest Germany. Professionally, she is very interested in online hybrid education, especially using instructional technology in both her classroom and online courses to teach foreign languages. Eva is an International Baccalaureate teacher, and a Montessori education enthusiast. She has taught German, French and Spanish, as well as, Information Technology and Business Management over the last 30 years.

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