Course Description

Our health theme is rather broad and includes topics such as food, nutrition, eating lifestyles, table manners, stress and mental health, medicine and health care.

The health of its citizens is of great concern in every country around the globe, as expressed in this quote from US Aid:

"Nutrition is one of the critical drivers for economic growth and poverty reduction, making it a key component of promoting international stability and security, building human and economic capacity through improved learning and productivity, and contributing to a robust, capable workforce."

(Ernährung ist einer der entscheidenden Faktoren für Wirtschaftswachstum und Armutsbekämpfung, was sie zu einer Schlüsselkomponente für die Förderung der internationalen Stabilität und Sicherheit, den Aufbau menschlicher und wirtschaftlicher Kapazitäten durch verbesserte Bildung und Produktivität und einen Beitrag zu einer robusten und leistungsfähigen Erwerbsbevölkerung macht.)

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Objective = Develop German Skills in the Context of "Gesundheit" (Health). Work your way from top to bottom on this page.

    • Course Description

    • Video: Wie hälst du dich fit?

    • Infoblatt: What Constitutes a Healthy Life?

    • Infoblatt: Healthy Personal Relationships Are Important

    • Infoblatt: What is a Vegan Lifestyle?

    • Your Assignment Schedule = 9 Week Work Plan

    • Quizlet = Homework Every Day (Find Assigned Chapters in Vocab Section Below)

  • 2

    CULTURE: How to Be Healthy

    • Video: 10 Health Tips (Gesundheitstipps)

  • 3

    CULTURE: Mental Health: Tipps Gegen Stress

    • Drei Tipps Gegen Stress

    • Video Intro: die unsichtbaren Krankheiten

    • Video: psychische Gesundheit (18 Minuten auf Deutsch)

  • 4

    CULTURE: Food Pyramid / die Essenspyramide

    • Video: die Essenspyramide mit Beispielen

  • 5

    CULTURE: Table Manners/Tisch Mannieren

    • What Are Some Differences Between Table Manners in Germany and in the US?

  • 6

    CULTURE: Medications

    • Video: The German Medicine Cabinet and Travel First Aid

    • Video Lesson: Learn the Vocabulary As You Watch

    • Assignment: Read and orally translate this German transcript that matches the full video

  • 7

    CULTURE: Health Insurance in Germany

    • Video: Germany's Health Care System Explained in English

    • Video: How Germans Use Their Health Insurance

    • Video: Health Insurance Explained in German - Krankenversicherung auf Deutsch Erklärt (for advanced students)

  • 8

    Culture Project: Written Assignment

    • Culture Summary Sheet- Print & Complete (Due at the End of Work Week 1)

  • 9

    VOCABULARY: Spell and Memorize the Assigned Words

    • Instruction Sheet: How to Create and Play The Leitner Flashcard Game

    • Video: How to Build the Leitner Study System

    • Video: How To Run A Leitner Study Session = First 10 Minutes Of Every German Work Period

    • Daily Flashcard Assignment (with Leitner Game Instructions)

    • Blank Leitner Schedule

    • Video: How to Build the Leitner Study System

  • 10

    TEXT-HANDLING: Develop Your Reading Strategies

    • NOTE: This Activity Requires You To Have Access To An Old IB Text-Handling Exam

    • Part 1 = Read This Project Instruction Sheet

  • 11

    READING TEST #1: Print & Complete this Practice Text-Handling Test (closed book, no resources)

    • Test Prompt- Original Text mit Zeilen

    • Text-Handling Test for "Das Deutsche Eck" (30 minute timed test- show it to your teacher when finished)

    • Antworten (use a red pencil to correct your answers- do not erase or change your original responses)

  • 12

    READING TEST #2: Print & Complete this Practice Text-Handling Test (closed book, no resources)

    • Test Prompt- Original Text mit Zeilen

    • Text-Handling Test for "Schokoladenkuchen" (30 minute timed test- show it to your teacher when finished)

    • Antworten (use a red pencil to correct your answers- do not erase or change your original responses)

  • 13

    READING TEST #3: Print & Complete this Practice Text-Handling Test (closed book, no resources)

    • Test Prompt - Text mit Zeilen

    • Text-Handling Test for "Vegane Ernährung"" (30 minute timed test- show it to your teacher when finished)

    • Text-handling Wrap-up Project (can also be done as a warm-up activity, if new to German language studies)

  • 14

    WRITING: Part 1 = Study Your Text Type Features BEFORE the Timed Writing Day

    • Overview of the TTLG German Essay Writing Process

    • The Most Popular Exam Text Types

    • 23 Text Types: Study The Features and Put At Least 5 In Your Writing Assignment and Exam Paper

    • Handout: Knowledge Organizer for Gesundheit

    • Worksheet: "Ein gesundes Leben"

  • 15

    WRITING: Part 2 = Timed Writing (you may use a paper dictionary to help with the prompt)

    • IB Writing Prompts for "Gesundheit"

    • Alternative (non-IB formatted) Writing Prompts for "das Essen und die Gesundheit"

  • 16

    WRITING: Part 3 = Improve your First Draft- DOUBLE SPACE IT! Using an Online Dictionary is Fine, but Do Not Use Any Translation Sites Yet.

    • How to Fix Your First Draft- Checklist

    • Add 6 Cohesive Words- Usually Need Inverted Word Order After Each

    • Add a Few Satzanfänge und Konnektoren

    • Add Some Authentic German Phrases

    • You Must Add at Least One German Idiom

    • Video: Photo Gallery Of Some of The Most Popular German Idioms

    • Move Up the Skill Ladder - Add some of these higher level structures

  • 17

    WRITING: Part 4 = Color Code and Label Each Word In Your Improved Draft. Staple New Work On Top of Old. Submit Packet to Teacher For General Feedback

    • Photo: What a Color-Coded Sentence Might Look Like

    • How to Color Code and Label the Parts of Speech

    • Color Coding Grammar Tips

  • 18

    SPEAKING: Individual Oral

    • Oral Exam Instructions and Script = Your Template For The Best Oral Exam Ever

    • Create Your Individual Oral Photo Prompt

    • Handout: Phrases of Disagreement (This Can Stimulate Conversation)

    • Audio: Pronunciation Help

  • 19

    WRITING: Part 5 = Using Teacher Feedback from Color-Coded Copy Write A New Improved Draft- DOUBLE-SPACED. Do Not Use an Online Translation Site Yet.

    • Checklist of Most Common Errors- Use This To Improve Your Writing

  • 20

    WRITING: Part 6 = 1. Do the Inventory of Errors 2. Write Your Errors Report 3. Create the Final Best Version of Your Essay (Now You Can Use an Online Translation Tool) 4. Complete a Cover Sheet. Staple Everything & Submit to Your Teacher

    • Teacher Error Coding Sheets. Shows You Every Possible Grammar Mistake That Can Be Made in German.

    • Print this Inventory of Errors Document- Add a Tally Mark for Each Teacher Error Code

    • How to Create Your Errors Report

    • Excellent Example of an Errors Report- Yours Can Even Be Better :)

    • Rubric For Evaluating Your Final Essay (IB HL)

    • Label Your Final Paper With Format Features & Grammar Codes Using This Grammar Structure Checklist

    • Print and Complete This Writing Project Cover Sheet- Staple to the Top of Your Writing Packet

  • 21

    GRAMMAR: Compete the Assigned Grammar Textbook Exercises

    • Grammar Textbook Pacing and Topics- Do the Work You Are Assigned

    • Grammar Help with Frau Doktor Bogard's Grammar Videos

  • 22

    LISTENING: Complete the Assigned "Schlager" Listening Project (=Separate Course on Your Dashboard)

    • List of Listening Projects- Only Do the 1 Assigned Project

  • 23

    Schedule Your 10 Minute Oral Exam With Your Teacher. Practice with a Partner Using Your Script and the Provided Question Sheets Until Then.

    • Learn About the IB Oral Exam Happening in March of Your Senior Year

    • Conversation Questions about "Essen und Trinken" (Food and Drink)

    • Conversation Questions About "Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden" (Health & Wellness)

    • Sample Answers for "Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden"

State Certified German Teacher For 30 Years

Dr. Bogard

The owner and creator of the Time To Learn German website is Eva Bogard, Ph.D. She was born in Manhattan (NYC) to a German mother and a German-American father. She earned her bachelor's degree in foreign languages at snowy SUNY-Oswego and completed her graduate studies in Second Language Education and Instructional Technology at sunny USF-Tampa, where she earned her Master's and Doctorate degrees. She has spent several colorful summers in France enjoying the language and culture in Paris, St. Malo and Tours, but is usually found during her long summer breaks on the beach in Florida, or in the mountains of southwest Germany. Professionally, she is very interested in online hybrid education, especially using instructional technology in both her classroom and online courses to teach foreign languages. Eva is an International Baccalaureate teacher, and a Montessori education enthusiast. She has taught German, French and Spanish, as well as, Information Technology and Business Management over the last 30 years.

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