Proficiency Levels
See examples of the different foreign language proficiency levels. Use this as your road map to success.
There are many handouts and images in the first section that will give you a better idea of what it means to be proficient in a foreign language. With these materials you will be able to prepare and motivate yourself to do your best on your IB German exams.
According to IB: "Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. The most important aims of assessment in the DP are that it should support curricular goals and encourage appropriate student learning. Both external and internal assessments are used in the DP. IB examiners mark work produced for external assessment, while work produced for internal assessment is marked by teachers and externally moderated by the IB."
"The approach to assessment used by IB is criterion-related, not norm-referenced. This approach to assessment judges students’ work by their performance in relation to identified levels of attainment (rubrics), and not in relation to the work of other students."
This TTLG course is primarily focused on the most challenging part of any foreign language: speaking. You will hear many examples of different speaking levels, so that you can self-assess where you are now with your German speaking skill, and understand what it takes to score at a higher level.
Be sure to use the "I can do" checklists to track where you are now with all 5 of your German skill sets. This collection of resources provides you with an effective road map to success with developing better German language skills.
The better you understand how you will be assessed, the better you can prepare. Good luck!
Course Description
IB German Assessment Components
You Have An Important Role In The Assessment Process
Where Are You On The Proficiency Pyramid? Where Do You Want To Be?
Speaking Ability, Years Of Study & Careers - Where Are You On This Table?
Your "Road Map" To Success (click the plus sign to zoom in)
Print This "Can Do" Checklist Packet. Read & Check Off What You Can Do. Update Weekly Or Monthly.
Optional Reading: A Comparison Of The ACTFL, ILR (Gov't) & European Proficiency Scales
ACTFL Novice Low = IB Score 1
ACTFL Novice Mid = IB Score 2
ACTFL Novice High = IB Score 3
ACTFL Intermediate Low = IB Score 4
ACTFL Intermediate Mid = IB Score 5
ACTFL Intermediate High = IB Score 6
ACTFL Advanced Low = IB Score 7
ACTFL Advanced Mid = IB HL 7
ACTFL Advanced High = University Level
ACTFL Superior = College German Major
Novice English Student Showing Minimal Conversation
Novice English Student Doing Isolated Words, Phrases and Listing
Novice English Student Producing Memorized Phrases
Novice German Student Difficult To Understand
Novice German Student Basically Listing a Couple Of Activities
Intermediate English Student Giving Biographical Information
"Intermediate" German Student: Offer To Help Neighbor
"Intermediate" German Student Discussing His Horoscope Hobby
"Intermediate" German Student Discussing Biographical Information
"Intermediate" German Student Discussing Her Home Town
"Advanced" English Student Explains The Difference Between Universities
"Advanced" German Student Roleplaying a Phone Conversation
"Advanced" German Student Explains Why Family Has Moved
"Superior" German Student Gives Opinion About Virtual Travel
Novice Level Speaking Descriptors
Intermediate Level Speaking Descriptors
Advanced & Superior Level Speaking Descriptors
Distinguished Level Speaking Descriptors
Find Your Predicted IB Exam Grade Here
Dr. Bogard