Course Description

This course focuses on developing German language skills within context of the environment. Topics include recycling and various energy resources. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Objective = Develop German Skills in the Context of "die Umwelt" (the Environment). Work your way from top to bottom on this page.

  • 2

    CULTURE: Recycling (Recyceln)

    • Infografik: Was gehört in welcher Mülltonne? (Read and decipher)

    • Infografik: Wie trennt man den Müll richtig? (Read and decipher)

    • Video: So entsorgt man den Hausmüll (How to separate the trash into recycling bins in Germany)

    • Video: Wie man keinen Müll macht. (With English Subtitles) May Only Work At Home

    • Video: Wie man keinen Müll macht.

    • Video: Diesel Autos Auf Dem Schrottplatz- DW

    • 9 Tipps Für Ein Leben Mit Weniger Plastik (Translate & Add Phrases To Head List)

    • Visual: Elektroschrott Grafik (How To Dispose Of Electronic Garbage). Translate.

  • 3

    CULTURE: Traditional Energy Sources in Germany

    • Video: What is an Electric Cooperative?

    • Video: America's Sources of Energy and How Electricity Gets Into Our Homes

    • Video: Conventional Sources of Energy in Germany (auf deutsch)

  • 4

    CULTURE: The End of the Coal Mine Era

    • Video: Why Is Coal Bad?

    • Video: Germany is closing down its last two operating hard coal mines (auf deutsch mit englischen Untertiteln)

    • Video: Deutschland Feiert Abschied Von Der Steinkohle (Listening Activity)

  • 5

    CULTURE: die Energie Wende - the Turning Point in Germany's Energy Politics

    • Video: The Background Story to Germany's Energy Revolution (English)

    • Video: die Energiewende (auf deutsch)

    • Weltfahrradtag

  • 6

    CULTURE: What are Renewable Energy Sources (Erneuerbare Energie)?

    • Video: Definition of Renewable versus Alternative Energy Sources

    • Video: What Are Renewable Sources for Our Energy Needs?

    • Video: The Transition to Renewable Energy Sources

  • 7

    CULTURE: This German Town is Producing More Electricity Than It Needs From Alternative Sources

    • Video: The Full Story of the Town of Wildpoldsried in Bavaria

    • Video: Wildpoldsried 2012 (auf deutsch)

    • Video: Wildpoldsried Update 2017

  • 8

    CULTURE: Nuclear Energy - Atomenergie (THE Hot Environmental Topic in Germany- at least until 2022)

    • Video: Nuclear Energy Explained (English)

    • Video: Atomkraft Erklärt (German-advanced level)

    • Video: 3 Arguments in Favor of Nuclear Energy (English)

    • Video: 3 Argumente für Atomkraft (German-advanced level)

    • Video: 3 Arguments Against Nuclear Energy (English)

    • Video: 3 Argumente gegen Atomkraft (Use Thes German Phrases In Your IA Script)

  • 9

    Written Assignment

    • Culture Summary Sheet- Print & Complete

  • 10

    READING #1: Take this Practice Text-Handling Test (closed book, no resources)

    • Original Text mit Zeilen

    • Text-Handling Test for "Mülltrennen" (30 minute timed test- show it to your teacher when finished)

    • Antworten (use a red pencil to correct your answers- do not erase or change your original responses)

    • Text-handling Wrap-up Project (can also be done as a warm-up activity, if new to German language studies)

  • 11

    READING #2: Take this Practice Text-Handling Test (closed book, no resources)

    • Original Text

    • Text mit Zeilen

    • Text-Handling Test for "Umweltzerstörung" (30 minute timed test- show it to your teacher when finished)

    • Antworten (use a red pencil to correct your answers- do not erase or change your original responses)

  • 12

    WRITING: Study Your Text Type Features

    • The Most Popular Exam Text Types

    • 23 Text Types: Study The Features and Put At Least 5 In Your Writing Assignment and Exam Paper

    • Sample: Environmental Brochure Page 1 (right click to rotate)

    • Sample: Environmental Brochure Page 2 (right click to rotate)

    • Handout: Umwelt Knowledge Organizer

  • 13

    WRITING: Examples Of Environmental Prompts

    • IB Timed Essay Prompts

    • Alternative (non-IB formatted) Writing Prompts for "die Umwelt"

  • 14

    WRITING: Improve your First Draft- DOUBLE SPACE IT! Using an Online Dictionary is Fine, but Do Not Use Any Translation Sites Yet.

    • How to Fix Your First Draft- Checklist

    • Add 6 Cohesive Words- Usually Need Inverted Word Order After Each

    • Add a Few Satzanfänge und Konnektoren

    • Add Some Authentic German Phrases

    • You Must Add at Least One German Idiom

    • Video: Photo Gallery Of Some of The Most Popular German Idioms

    • Move Up the Skill Ladder - Add some of these higher level structures

  • 15

    Write An IB Mock IA Oral Exam Script. Practice with a Partner Using Your Script and Question Sheets Below.

    • Learn About the IB Oral Exam Happening in March of Your Senior Year

    • Create Your Individual Oral Photo Prompt

    • Oral Exam Instructions and Script = This Is Your Template For The Best Oral Exam Ever

    • Audio: Pronunciation Help

    • Handout: Phrases of Disagreement (This Can Stimulate Conversation)

    • Sample Questions for the "Umwelt" Topic

    • Sample Answers for the "Umwelt" Conversation Questions

  • 16

    GRAMMAR: Compete the Assigned Grammar Textbook Exercises

    • Grammar Textbook Pacing and Topics- Do the Work You Are Assigned

    • Get Grammar Help Here with Frau Doktor Bogard's Grammar Videos

  • 17

    Celebrate Your Hard Work! Spielt "ein Stift, ein Würfel" mit einem Partner

    • How To Play: "ein Stift, ein Würfel"

    • Spielblatt: die Umwelt Übersetzungen- DO NOT READ UNTIL GAME IS SET UP!

State Certified German Teacher For 30 Years

Dr. Bogard

The owner and creator of the Time To Learn German website is Eva Bogard, Ph.D. She was born in Manhattan (NYC) to a German mother and a German-American father. She earned her bachelor's degree in foreign languages at snowy SUNY-Oswego and completed her graduate studies in Second Language Education and Instructional Technology at sunny USF-Tampa, where she earned her Master's and Doctorate degrees. She has spent several colorful summers in France enjoying the language and culture in Paris, St. Malo and Tours, but is usually found during her long summer breaks on the beach in Florida, or in the mountains of southwest Germany. Professionally, she is very interested in online hybrid education, especially using instructional technology in both her classroom and online courses to teach foreign languages. Eva is an International Baccalaureate teacher, and a Montessori education enthusiast. She has taught German, French and Spanish, as well as, Information Technology and Business Management over the last 30 years.

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